Mobile development

Types of Mobile APPS we develop are: Internal apps and public apps.

We also develop infrastructure system (server part) for these apps and deploy it in Cloud resourses.


Internal apps

Internal apps are applications that are integrated into the company’s internal ERP systems to help own employees to fulfil their functions/operations in a wide scale of tasks. Internal apps can also be used with Partner companies for inter-cooperation processes.

Examples of internal apps:

  • Servicing of Point Of Sales or Client locations with own agents.
  • Monitoring of goods at own or partner’s locations. Gathering of photo materials, text data, verification of checklists.
  • Provision of data analysis and reports for: employees, management, partners etc.
  • Order collection from your partners or exchange of any other type of documents.

Public apps

External apps are applications that enable you to provide any type of service to any volume of clients in a way needed for your business. External apps can be integrated in your current ERP system or some partial module, for example – loyalty system. 

       Examples of external apps:

  • Loyalty, promotion and discount apps in retail.
  • Order and delivery apps (food delivery, goods delivery, etc.)
  • Applications for collective activities (social activities, exchange of information, event organisation etc). 

We develop and integrate both types of the applications into your ERP systems. If a part of functionality is not present, we develop the missing functionality and integrate it as a standalone WEB or Desktop module, that will interconnect with your ERP system and function as a part of the whole infrastructure. For example – photo monitoring of Points of sale. Your ERP system probably does not have such functionality. In that case, as an addition to the mobile application, we develop a module that will store and manage such information and provide needed analytics on its basis. Our team is always ready to help you form and optimise the requirements for the best possible application, to achieve the results You need.

There are narrow specialists with deep knowledge of accounting, retail, banking and other integrations.

Our clients

